girl in long white dress, walking in creek, surrounded by forest and blue sky

Made with real ingredients.

Our products are made with real ingredients, the way nature intended. Ditch the synthetic chemicals and experience truly natural, clean and non-toxic skincare. 

We embrace ancestral elements like 100% grass-fed and finished tallow, herbal infusions and organic oils that deeply nourish and heal.

Always made without:

  • preservatives

  • phthalates

  • parabens

  • GMOs

  • artificial colours

  • artificial fragrances

  • synthetic chemicals

Read more about why we love tallow and how to use it here!

natural ingredients that nourish and heal, because your skin deserves better
a girl who fell in love with simple living


Ever since I was a little girl, I dreamed of living on a farm. But as time goes by, that dream has felt further and further out of reach. Though I’ll never give up, I got tired of waiting to live my dream life. Instead, I became determined to prove you can still experience a simple country lifestyle, no matter where you call home.

I began incorporating traditional practices into my everyday life. From baking sourdough bread, gardening, canning, sewing and of course, making tallow. I found so much peace and joy following a more simple lifestyle. There’s something about learning skills our ancestors relied on for 1000s of years that just felt “right”.

It’s through this new-found love for all things homesteading that The Milkmaid Supply Co. was born! Our mission is to provide truly natural, nourishing and hand crafted products that bring you one step closer to our ancestral heritage. I hope to encourage others to find as much happiness as I have in returning to nature and living a little bit slower paced.

from farm to skin

How tallow healed my skin.

As someone who struggled with acne for years, discovering tallow was a total game changer for me. I’ve tried all of the conventional zit-banishing products and all I got in return was even more pimples, along with irritation, redness and dry flaky skin.

Then one day I gave tallow a try, and I’ve been hooked ever since. I saw clearer, softer and brighter skin, all while using a product that was truly healing and nourishing.

Tallow is highly concentrated with fat-soluble vitamins essential for good skin health. With anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and anti-aging properties, tallow is not only great at healing acne, but it even repairs damage from scarring and boosts collagen for a more youthful appearance.

Gone are the days where I punish my skin with harsh toxic lotions and potions. I now treat my skin with love using simple natural ingredients and it shows!

Read more about the many benefits of tallow here.

Handmade in Canada.

Since day one, we've stayed true to our commitment of handcrafting every item right here in Canada. 

Whether it's our tallow, whipped in-house using suet from local farms, or our linen aprons meticulously crafted by skilled seamstresses across Ontario, you can take pride in knowing that you're supporting a truly Canadian business.

This dedication to keeping it local means we’re investing in our community, reducing our carbon footprint and ensures that every single item we create is handmade with superior quality and meticulous attention to detail. 

When you choose our products, you're not simply making a purchase; you're making a difference by supporting local businesses and sustainable practices you can feel great about.